The role of the innovative technologies in forming the professional competence of teachers (the case of Uzbekistan) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №7 (141) февраль 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 20.02.2017

Статья просмотрена: 44 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Аликулова, Ш. А. The role of the innovative technologies in forming the professional competence of teachers (the case of Uzbekistan) / Ш. А. Аликулова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 7 (141). — С. 417-419. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.12.2024).

The role of the innovative technologies in forming the professional competence of teachers (the case of Uzbekistan)

Alikulova Sh.A., English language teacher

(Tashkent city, the Republic of Uzbekistan)

In the years of our independence, particular attention is paid to preparing highly-educated, intellectual, innovative competent specialists for world system. Actually, the legal and moral bases of the idea fully reflect in the decree on May 20, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About improving financial and technical foundation of the Higher Education institutes and strategies of improving the quality of highly qualified specialists”, the decree on December 10, 2012, resolution № 5 1875 “About the strategies of developing the system of learning foreign languages”. The purpose of these strategies is to form the continuous system developing their legal bases, preparing specialists who are capable of world requirements consists of being able to speak fluently in world languages, exchange ideas with foreign specialists on the particular sphere, to have opportunity to use their ideas in the field of world science and technology and using them for the benefit of our country.

Keywords: Innovative technologies, professional competence, teaching strategies, sociolinguistic competence, linguistic competence, skills, habits, techniques of speaking, intellectual skills, motivating, learners, curriculum development, integrated language skills, interaction

The competence of the future specialist of the English language includes in itself the phonetic competence, lexical competence, grammatical competence, pragmatic competence, linguistic compositional competence, communicative competence i. e. monologue speaking, dialogue speaking competence, writing competence, critical thinking and logical competence, spiritual competence and others.

Methodical approaches of media education based on eyeless (blocks, modules) creative and game tasks which are used during academic and extracurricular activities. The use of particular methods in media education is stipulated by age and individual characteristics of an audience, its needs and interests in media world, causes for communication with media, the level of perception of media information, and others. All the selections of specific methodical approaches are closely connected with the objectives and specific tasks set by a teacher in the implementation if media education process (development of cognitive interest, communication skills, creativity, etc.) An important determining factor of selecting certain pedagogical techniques in media education is teacher's media-material used on media studies (printed, audio-visual media, computer technology, etc.). In media education can be used various methods of activities: descriptive (paraphrase content media texts, classification (definition of the place of media texts in the historical and social context), analytical (analysis of the structure of a media text, its language, the author's position), personal (describing relationships, experiences, feelings, memories, associations caused by media texts), explanatory and evaluative (forming judgments about media texts, its merits in accordance with the aesthetic, moral, and other criteria).

Phonetic competence deals with the differentiating of speech sounds, intonation and speech rhythm, the appropriate use of intonation, the use of letters on the bases of phonetic rules and expressing the speech technique. It is also important to form skills and knowledge on the differentiating the communicative types of sentence with intonation (declarative, interrogative imperative), the appropriate use of tones and prosody, the techniques of listening skills, differentiating of sound in communication and have knowledge on the sequences of letters and sounds in languages and speech.

Lexical competence includes in itself the formation of words, the use of words in spoken and written texts according to the content, speaking and its appropriate place, the importance of international words and understanding. The essence of these phenomena and also it is important to have knowledge on the use of words for specific purposes, use of phrases in their appropriate places and their right pronunciation, derived words and the meaning of root words (affixation and word compounding), word composition.

Grammatical competence requires to have skills and knowledge on the parts of speech, subject and predicate, the past, present, future form of words and their grammatical peculiarities, the main points of syntax especially the active and passive voices.

Sociolinguistic competence demands to know about the sphere of social classes, the life of students in spare time, study of simple way of communication, the culture of Uzbekistan and foreign country, the forms of intercultural means, national and human value (as language, religion, nation, traditions and customs, art, literature, national value, history, geographic and demographic position and etc.), tolerance thought and others.

Pragmatic competence includes in itself the formation of question-asking of the unknown, new, difficult to understand words and phrases in the spoken and written texts.

It means that one should have the following qualities in his/her specialty as: deep knowledge concerning proficiency adequate awareness of the subjects as pedagogy, psychology, physiology, country should study and methodology; social and political literacy: tolerance, intelligence and wide outlook: awareness of innovation and technologies; creativity, self-insistence: permanent self improvement, diligence, eagerness to new things: critical attitude toward his/her own work, communicability, responsibility; scientific theoretical diligence: ability to communicate with other in a proper way: awareness of new methods, techniques of local and international education; spiritual competence: fairness: awareness of democratic conception: ability to organize the process of education properly: possessing personal opinions and view point: ability to think independently and to create language atmosphere and others.

The competence of communication is based on speaking techniques and abilities. Speaking is characterized as monologue and dialogue. The competence of monologue has one side form and meaning. It requires from student to speak briefly, clearly and literally on a particular topics such as a family, hometown, interests, daily life, friends, seasons and etc. along with expressive reading of fiction and media texts.

The competence of speaking dialogue appears in a form of subject-subject which means two subjects discuss, give information and ask for questions and answer around one topic. The competence of speaking dialogue creates positive atmosphere for micro and macro dialogue by following linguistic rules while subject and subject are communicating, listening, concluding and should respect partners’ opinions and restate their own. Here one should follow the conceptions of justice, academic, sequence, liveliness and others.

In the dialogue it is important to speak fluently with intonation and be truthful with interlocutor.

While developing speaking dialogue it is important to pay attention to the greeting, introducing, giving information about daily news, congratulating, exchanging information about stories and situation and others.

Writing competence demands to follow the rules of handwriting and orthography, punctuation and orthography, grammatical rules, text formation and techniques of writing.

Spiritual competence can be characterized in wide outlook, art of speech, opinion, strong willness, socio-political completeness, strong belief, tolerance thought, creativity, imitativeness, discovering, hard working, humanity, practical ability and other features.

On the bases of this structure the process of forming the competence of English language specialists working in Uzbekistan in the new socio-political reality:

a) They learn self study creatively;

b) Improve their knowledge in English, especially in oral communication skills;

c) Have experience of our and international countries;

d) Improve skills of communication technology;

e) Understand scientific-theoretical, historical, sociolinguistic sources logically;

f) Acquire the levels of knowledge as understanding, thinking and summarizing, assimilating, presenting and other processes.

Coming up to conclusion we can say that the students of the English specialist who have the above mentioned qualities will have the following:

  1. To have theoretical and practical knowledge within frames of the state standard of Education.
  2. To be aware of additional sources in the fields of his specialty.
  3. To have knowledge around the topic deeply to master it thoroughly.
  4. To get interest to this or that subject in order to understand how to use it.
  5. To learn assessing objectively the situation during the lesson without thinking much.
  6. To affect the human being and national values correctly like civilized.
  7. To respect the history, language, religion, geography, nations, traditions, customs, value and culture of the foreign countries.

So, the competence of future English specialists is very important to have great and high qualified teachers in future. It requires deep intellectual skills, eagerness, interest, hard work, professional experience and references from the learners.


  1. The decree “About education” of the Republic of Uzbekistan — T., 1997.
  2. Cates K. Teaching for a better world: Global issues in language education. The language Teacher, 1990.
  3. Basturkmen H. Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006.
  4. Bauer L., Nation P. Word families. International Journal of Lexicography. 1993.
  5. Chung T., Nation P. Technical vocabulary in specialized texts. Reading in a Foreign Language. 2003.

Ключевые слова

взаимодействие, навыки, учащихся, привычки, Инновационные технологии, профессиональная компетенция, Стратегии преподавания, Социолингвистическая компетентность, Лингвистическая компетентность, Методы говорения, Интеллектуальные навыки, мотивирующим, Разработка учебных программ, Интегрированные языковые навыки, linguistic competence, professional competence, sociolinguistic competence, Interaction, skills, learners, habits, Innovative technologies, teaching strategies, techniques of speaking, intellectual skills, motivating, curriculum development, integrated language skills

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