Innovative methods in teaching english for special purposes in a technical university | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Хужаниязова, Г. Ю. Innovative methods in teaching english for special purposes in a technical university / Г. Ю. Хужаниязова, У. А. Бабажанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 29.3 (133.3). — С. 43-45. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

In the modern technical University studying English is an important component in the professional training of specialists for different sectors of the economy. The introduction of innovative teaching methods the English language becomes relevant and is of great practical importance. A skilful combination of traditional teaching methods with modern facilities technology helps to make the atmosphere in the classroom enhances the creative and motivation of the students. The article gives a brief overview and analysis of modern informational communication technologies (ICT) in teaching English language for special purposes.

Key words:English for specific purposes (ESP), information and communication technology, multimedia technology, Web Quest,, higher education.

В современном техническом ВУЗе изучение английского языка занимает важное место и является важным компонентом в профессиональной подготовке специалистов для разных отраслей экономики. Внедрение инновационных методов преподавания английского языка становится актуально и имеет большое практическое значение. Умелое сочетание традиционных методов обучения с современными возможностями технологии помогает сделать атмосферу в аудитории креативной и повышает мотивацию студентов. В статье дан краткий обзор и анализ современных информационно-коммуникативных технологий (ИКТ) в области преподавания английского языка для специальных целей.

Ключевые слова: английский для специальных целей (ESP), информационно-коммуникативные технологии, мультимедийные технологии, вебквест, высшее профессиональное образование.

Currently, English for specific purposes (ESP) is taught throughout the world in various areas. Starting with the 60-ies of the last century, when I first started talking about ESP as a separate direction of teaching English as a foreign, this aspect of English language teaching significantly developed and took a leading position in teaching English for professional purposes. In the context of the dynamic development, the process of international integration and information exchange specialist the leaves of any industry, besides the traditional training necessary a tool that enables efficient and effective exchange-vocational information. This tool is professionally oriented language or language for specific goals. There are already monographs on the theory of ESP [1–5] and has us special techniques of teaching the ESP [6, 7], being different studies. But among them, unfortunately, only small decreases in what local authors and developers. You need to mention the fact that in our country, government officials at different levels claim that today's graduates should be sure but to know English. However, the level of EN- English language of students of technical universities is a very time-differs and is often poor.

Development of training programs and plans for teaching ESP. So vital was the question of a single the foreign language program for non-linguistic universities, which would be accounted for requirements proficiency in foreign language modern graduates. It is based on the following provisions, for fixed and modern documents on the modernization of higher- vocational education:

- Foreign language is an integral part of training for all professionals in the University.

- A foreign language course is multi-level and pipeline is developed in the context of lifelong education.

- Learning a foreign language is based on an interdisciplinary integrated.

- Foreign language teaching aims at an integrated time development of communicative, cognitive, informational, social cultural, professional and common cultural competences of students. But even with a single program, should always be considered the specificity of each institution or its departments, the need customers and of the students themselves.

Important role professional education plays a teacher the users, ESP. They are often asked to develop programmers and training PLA us at ESP to deliver specialized English language courses for students, etc. As in any other kind of training, there is a large number of methods and approaches used in for depending on the objectives of the courses and available resources. Based on Sofia ESP, they can be divided into three main groups following: problem-based learning (PBL), independent education (AL) and training using information and communication technologies (ICT). It is worth noting that all of them are personal oriented methodologies. Today, when apart but new emphases in the interpretation of the goals of language education and made certain changes in the process of educational interaction education the teacher and the student teacher need to be more clear what is required of him in the foreign language class.

When developing a program in a foreign language should be teach take into account the potential of knowledge and language skills of students, as well as Timer Event students in acquiring knowledge. Apparent, at first glance, a simple procedure definition training content and training must include in theoretical position. Therefore, the curriculum should to adjust the overall methodology of the course.

The main tasks of the ESP teacher is the selection and organization of training materials, preparation of effective training programs and plans aimed at obtaining the desired results to learning, support students ' motivation and their efforts. Also an important element of working in groups ESP is providing students with feedback with the teacher like monitoring of the learning process, and for the organization advisory assistance to students.

ESP when the teacher comes to the classroom, it is, above all, go put certain purposes classes, which help to create a there a safe learning environment, friendly atmosphere interactivity and mutual assistance.

Choosing these or other educational materials for foreign language for course content, instructors or course developers thus, express their ideas, views on the teaching of foreign languages and teaching methods. Goal setting classes more extent, affect the selection of educational material. If education the giver lesson aims at the consolidation of the communicative of skills, he includes in the lesson various exercises, modeling practice of communication in language: business games; case dialog; compilation instructions; reports; presentations and discussions. When the preparation of the course should be taken into account that the notion «communicative-competence» of students is not seen as the sum of their values and skills, but also as a set of personal qualities students (value-semantic orientations, knowledge, skills and abilities).

Effective methods and techniques of ESP. An important element in teaching ESP is the ability of the teacher to create in the audience atmosphere for live communication and constructive debate. Students acquire sustainable communication skills only then when they have the opportunity to use them in communicating with others. Very often, unfortunately, the teacher may be the only English language, with which you can speak, the students, and time to communicate with each student at education the teacher in the classroom is limited. Therefore, the teacher must develop and use effective techniques for the development of communication skills in their groups and to involve in its work other resources, including online resources of the Internet to communication outside of classroom walls. People learn best foreign language when they are highly motivated and have the who he possibility to use their knowledge and skills in language environment, to-which they understand and which are interested in. From this point of view ESP is a powerful tool for the realization of this possibility. Students master the English language as they work with materials that they consider interesting and act structures, and which they can use in their professional activity or further studies. Account should be taken that the more the students communicate in the language that they hear- shat or at which they read, the more they will be successful in the mastery of them. On the other hand, the more they will be forced to focus on purely linguistic grammar and other aspects of the language or its separate structures, the less desire they will to sedate classes.

As for the ESP students, they are especially prednisolone us, to concentrate on material closely related to their specialized organization, in particular engineering students. ESP language should not be presented nor as a subject that should study in isolation from real use, nor as a mechanical a skill that should be developed. On the contrary, English should be presented in an authentic context, to acquaint the developing specific ways of using language, which they must be able to apply for their specialties or work.

Innovative modern methods and technologies ESP. Today, unfortunately, a teacher ESP is a very limited material to work with in the classroom is primarily with the texts in the specialty of students with limited set of tasks for them. Therefore, most experts in ESP often use their own materials in teaching ESP, specially designed for specific purposes and needs of their students.

Technology web quests to help form and develop in students the following competencies:

- use it for solving professional problems (including to search for the necessary information, presentation of results of working you in the form of computer presentations, websites, flash videos, databases data, etc.);

- self-learning and self-organization;

- work in a team (planning, distribution of functions, including mutual control);

- the ability to find multiple solutions to problem of the situation to determine the most rational option, to justify your choice;

- skill of public speaking, because it is necessary publicly to protect dedicate my project to answer questions or participate in discussions.

It is important to note that teachers of ESP need regular support and guidance on the use of new technologies. Not surprisingly, young teachers are often the best demonstrators of new technologies, so they can be instructors for more senior teachers who trying to introduce these new technologies in their classrooms. Group discussions and project work are also effective forms of training in working with ESP students. More modern trend in teaching English for professional goals — is to debate. At the stage of preparation for the debate students have to mobilize all their knowledge and who the possibilities of speaking in a foreign language, to use their critical thinking and to develop lateral (creative) thinking. Thus, in the course of the debate students have the opportunity to demonstrate how language and professional competence.

All these methods are useful for Autonomous(independent) learning to prepare students for scientific but research activities, encouraging their motivation in demonstrations of the results of the work and gain experience in command.

Conclusion. If the teacher is committed to succeed in his work with the band, he needs to find and adapt new technology to engage generation in the traditional directions using multimedia learning tools and digital world technologies, online resources and mobile applications.

Mechanisms of ESP teaching are developing faster and faster, and it is obvious that to cover all modern trends perhaps in this short article. Thus, despite the fact that teaching ESP based on practical, professionally oriented applications use as you would any other aspect of English language teaching, it is based on the knowledge of the nature of language, knowledge of the basic methods and forms of teaching and learning. A combination of traditional techniques teaching and new technologies, including the use of virtual environment to support students ' motivation, today becoming one of the productive approaches in the teaching of ESP. Critical understanding of a studied material student’s method contributes to the formation of these skills, for misroute linguistic, sociocultural, communicative, and also professional competence.

Notes: *LMS (Learning Management System) — a single system of information support of educational process


  1. Basturkmen H. Ideas and options in English for specific purposes, — Taylor and Francis e-library, 2008.
  2. Carver D. Some propositions about ESP / D. Carver // The ESP Journal, 1983. — N. 2. — 131–137 pp.
  3. Dudley-Evans T. Developments in English for Specific Purposes. — Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  4. Flowerdew J. Concordancing as a Tool in Course Design//Small Corpus Studies and ELT: Theory and Practice. — Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001. — 71–92 pp.
  5. Hutchinson T. English for Specific Purposes. — Cambridge University Press, 1987.
  6. Минаева Л. В. и др. Преподавание английского языка для специальных целей: теория и практика / Моск. гос. ун-т им. М. В. Ломоносова, Ин-т гос. упр. и соц. исслед.- М.: Унив. гуманитар. Лицей, 1997.
  7. Teaching ESP: Best Practices / IBM PC CD — ROM: Published by “REPETITOR MultiMedia” for The English Language Office of the U. S. Embassy. — Moscow, 2012.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESP, ICT, английский язык, ELT, IBM, LMS, PBL, PLA, REPETITOR, ROM.

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