Turkmenistan — UNESCO: cultural diplomatic cooperation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Байрамдурдыев, Ш. Д. Turkmenistan — UNESCO: cultural diplomatic cooperation / Ш. Д. Байрамдурдыев, Г. М. Кадыров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 6 (505). — С. 144-145. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/505/111121/ (дата обращения: 03.06.2024).

The main purpose of the UNESCO World Heritage List is to protect, comprehensively study and spread to the world our unique tangible or intangible cultural heritage. Cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is being strengthened.

Keywords: UNESCO, cooperation with organizations.

In order to modernize the legal and organizational foundations of Turkmen diplomacy in the country, great work is being done to further improve its legal framework. Based on the rich and positive experience of international cooperation, Turkmenistan is making all necessary efforts to strengthen its position in the world's political space in the coming years, and is promoting the strengthening of the entire system of international relations, further expansion and deepening of international cooperation. For Turkmenistan, multifaceted international cooperation in solving humanitarian problems is an experience formed over many years. This cooperation has proven to be effective, in line with long-term national interests and strategic goals of the international community.

The main principles of the democratic, legal and secular state of Turkmenistan arising from the legal status of neutrality, strengthening peace and security in the international arena, expanding friendly and brotherly cooperation, and ensuring stable development are the main directions of the foreign policy of independent Turkmenistan in the future. Turkmenistan has established diplomatic relations with 149 foreign countries in recent years.

Currently, our state of Turkmenistan is establishing mutually reliable, political, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations not only with neighboring countries, but also with various countries of the world. In particular, it seeks to strengthen cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which unites nations. Cooperation between UNESCO, one of the main bodies of the United Nations, and Turkmenistan has been continuously developed for several years now.

UNESCO was founded on November 16, 1945 and is a specialized agency of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture. The headquarters of the organization is located in Paris, Republic of France, it has 193 main members and 11 associate members. The promotion of peace and security through the expansion of cooperation between countries and peoples in the fields of education, science and culture is among the main goals of UNESCO. This organization conducts activities of global significance in the preservation, restoration and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural values ​​that are considered to be protected by all mankind and to be passed on to future generations. On August 17, 1993, Turkmenistan became a full member of this organization, and in 1995, the representative office of Turkmenistan under UNESCO was opened in Paris. In order to strengthen the active cooperation between Turkmenistan and UNESCO, the National Team of Turkmenistan on UNESCO affairs is operating in the country.

As it is known, during the past historical period of mutually beneficial and active cooperation of the parties, many projects were implemented. First of all, in 1994, Turkmenistan joined the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of this organization, and in 2011, on the Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Currently, Turkmenistan fully proves its wide support for the norms of international cooperation by joining 12 other important UNESCO Conventions.

The main purpose of the UNESCO World Heritage List is to protect, comprehensively study and spread to the world our unique tangible or intangible cultural heritage, natural monuments. Within the framework of the UNESCO Convention «On the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage», for the first time from Turkmenistan, «Ancient Merv» (1999), «Koneurgench» (2005), «Nisa Parthian Castles» (2007) were recognized as monuments of world importance. historical monuments, «Gorogly» (2015), «Nowruz Bayram» (2016), «Kushtepdi» (2017), Turkmen national music and dance art, Turkmen national carpet art are included in UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind. (2019) included our unique values ​​such as «art of woodworking, woodworking and barbarian art» (2021).

A new plan of joint action between Turkmenistan and UNESCO to expand the list of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is underway. According to the plan, to the network of unique cities of UNESCO: Ashgabat, our capital in the creative field of «Art»; Turkmenabad in the program «Artists and folk creativity»; The city of Mary was prepared to be included in the «Literature» system. Preliminary work on the preparation of documents has already been started in this regard.

In addition to this, the next on the list are the monuments of Turkmen cities such as Dehistan, Nisa, Merv, Sarahs, Amul, Koneurgench, located on the main route of the Great Silk Road, the art of breeding Ahalteke horses and the art of raising Turkmen Alabai dog, on the multifaceted presentation called «Art of Turkmen painting». and its presentation is aimed at further increasing the importance of the cultural and spiritual values ​​of the Turkmen people at the world level.

Turkmenistan was elected to the Intergovernmental Committee on Physical Education and Sports of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for 2023–2027. Cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is being strengthened. Based on the country's multilateral and national presentations, our national values ​​are regularly included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

At present, comprehensive activities are being carried out to identify, record, preserve, transmit to future generations and study on a scientific basis the unique national heritage of the Turkmen people, ancient examples of cultural values, publicize their importance in the mass media, and spread them widely to the world community. Throughout the year, the history of Turkmenistan-UNESCO cooperation, its achievements, especially the features and importance of our historical monuments included in the list of UNESCO's material and non-material cultural values, are disseminated to the public through national media, television and radio stations, websites, and classic literature.


  1. Geldimuhamedova O. International economic relations. Education for higher education institutions book A.: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2017.
  2. Turkmenistan newspaper, 17.08.2023.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNESCO.

Ключевые слова

UNESCO, cooperation with organizations

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