The use of lexical approach with «Quizlet» | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (468) май 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 29.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мищенко, А. В. The use of lexical approach with «Quizlet» / А. В. Мищенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 21 (468). — С. 459-461. — URL: (дата обращения: 03.06.2024).

Keywords: lexical approach, foreign language, vocabulary, primary consolidation, vocabulary approach, vocabulary learning.

When learning a foreign language we are usually faced with different aspects of language such as grammar, listening, reading, pronunciation, speaking and vocabulary. Vocabulary is probably the largest one, because we must constantly gain the vocabulary. It is very important because it helps us form sentences and translate texts or speech. Researches studied the place and the role of lexical unit knowledge acquisition in the general system of formation and development of lexical skills.

In linguodidactics three stages are usually distinguished when working with vocabulary. N. Galskova and N. Gez name the following as the main stages of work on lexical material: familiarization with new vocabulary (including semantization), the initial consolidation and the stage of lexical use in various forms of oral and written communication (preparatory and speech exercises) [1, p. 296]. G. Rogova and her colleagues also allocate a separate stage, implying the extraction of a new lexical unit from the familiarization context and mastering it in the unity of its components. The authors arrange the stages of work with vocabulary in the following way: familiarization, training in mastering words (exercises on memorizing a word, its semantics in unity with the form; formation of word combinations of semantic character), exercises in unprepared speech without external supports [2, p. 90–96]. S. Shatilov suggests the following stages of formation of lexical skills: orientation-preparatory (acquaintance with the new language material and its primary use), stereotypical-situational (training exercises) and variation-situational (creative use) [3, p. 110]. Despite the different names of the stages, all of the above algorithms for vocabulary learning are similar in their content: at the first stage there is familiarization with new lexical units, then follows the work on forming their image in the memory and at the third stage the primary fixed lexical units are included in speech. The most recent one of these methods is lexical approach.

The vocabulary approach was invented to make it easy to get enough lexis. The vocabulary approach is a modern teaching method that focuses on teaching vocabulary in a meaningful context. The approach is based on the idea that vocabulary is an important building block of language, and that understanding the meanings of words is necessary for students to speak fluently and be able to communicate effectively. This approach emphasizes vocabulary learning as a living, dynamic process that gives students the opportunity to learn new words, explore their meanings, and apply them in context. It also encourages students to make connections between words and apply them to real-world situations. In practice, teachers will teach new words by giving students context clues, providing examples of how words can be used, and allowing them to practice with them in conversation. This approach was first manifested in the book «The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward» by the English methodologist M. Lewis [4, p.176]. At the present time there are textbooks created on the basis of the lexical approach, numerous developments by teachers and methodologists using this approach. In Russia the lexical approach or its elements are used in foreign language courses, in language and general education schools and universities when working with students of different levels. Michael Lewis noted that «language consists of grammaticalized lexis, not lexicalized grammar» [5, p.146].Researches by Michael Lewis define that The Lexical Approach assumes a declined role for sentence grammar, minimum until post-intermediate levels. In contrast, it includes an enlarged role for word grammar (collocation and cognates) and text grammar.

To expand student's vocabulary more conveniently, ones can use various modern applications to improve foreign language learning. «Memrise», «Simpler», «Flashcards», «ImEng» and «CUDU», but for self-learning and teaching students purposes «Quizlet» is the best one. It perfectly meets the requirements used in the lexical approach. The «Quizlet» app is a great way to learn a foreign language with a lexical approach. It meets the objectives of the first two stages (familiarization and primary consolidation) in the system of three-stage of vocabulary learning. This source has a mobile version for ease of use. «Quizlet» is a service that allows students to easily memorize any information that can be presented in the form of study cards. All user need to do is find in the database or create interactive material — one's own cards, adding pictures and audio files to them and then doing exercises and playing games to memorize this material. In Quizlet, teacher can send students a link to the module/course, or they can find it by the name of the professor. Creating learning material to memorize begins with composing a new learning module. User need to enter the module name, then enter the terms and definitions. Also, a definition and a corresponding picture are automatically suggested for each term. Modules with diagrams are images on which terms and definitions are labeled. Such modules are useful for studying parts of a whole, maps, or graphs. The platform has different modes of learning.

From the student's point of view they can work in five study mod and play two games:

  1. In card mode, students see all the cards and turn them over to repeat terms and definitions.
  2. The memorization mode will create an individual learning plan based on mastery of the module material. Student must answer each question correctly twice to complete the stage. At the end of each stage, all terms will be grouped by their level of mastery: «familiar» means that the student answered correctly once, and «mastered» twice. In this mode, student can set a deadline to memorize all the cards, track your progress, and get reminders from the app.
  3. The writing mode will give a definition or picture of the term and assess how well the student knows the material and whether he or she is making spelling errors. When the student completes the first stage, the writing mode will begin the second stage, which will use the questions that were answered incorrectly in the first stage. To complete the writing mode phase and review student's results, student must answer each question correctly twice.
  4. In spelling mode, student must spell out what one heard.
  5. The test mode automatically creates different test options (matching, multiple choice, true/false, fill the gap).
  6. In the game of matching, students match the correct terms to the definitions as quickly as possible and compete against each other for time.
  7. In the gravity game, students must give the correct answers to save the planet from asteroid impact.

From the teacher’s point of view, this application is a well-developed platform for creating lexical training sets. One of the most convenient features of this service is creating a training set which automatically display possible translations of the word and the corresponding image offered by the service. Charts to help the learner as a companion tool can also be created on this platform. The methodology for using this app for teachers is that the teacher can create vocabulary review cards and send them to students to practice outside of class. Students can make their own vocabulary cards from the lessons. In addition to the «term-translation», «term-picture», and «term-definition» cards, there are combinations such as: «term-synonym», «term-antonym», «phrase/idiom in parts», «word formation», «term-few sentences with gaps». This makes «Quizlet» one of the best applications for learning foreign languages using the lexical approach, both in the classroom and on ones own.

As a conclusion, the lexical approach is practical and immediately relevant. With the help of modern applications, such as «Quizlet» this approach helps students to learn foreign languages quite extensively. In turn, the application itself meets the requirements of the lexical approach. Students can safely use the quizlet to learn a language without fear of losing a large layer of vocabulary and its components. And teachers can use this application in their work for a more interactive, engaging and most importantly useful for vocabulary development method of learning.


  1. Galskova N. Gez N. The theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology. -– Moscow: Academia Publishing Center, 2005. p. 296
  2. Rogova G. Rabinovich F. Sakharova T. Methodology of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools. -– Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1991. p. 90–96
  3. Shatilov S. Methods of Teaching German in Secondary School: Textbook for Students of Foreign Languages Facts and Institutes. p. 110
  4. Lewis M. The Lexical Approach:The State of ELT and a Way Forward / M. Lewis. — Cengage ELT, 1993. p. 176 p.
  5. Lewis M. The Lexical Approach:The State of ELT and a Way Forward / M. Lewis. — Cengage ELT, 1993. p. 146
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ELT.

Ключевые слова

foreign language, vocabulary, vocabulary learning, lexical approach, primary consolidation, vocabulary approach

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