Kazakh and English names: similarities | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (117) июль-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 27.06.2016

Статья просмотрена: 617 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Абдрахманова, Т. М. Kazakh and English names: similarities / Т. М. Абдрахманова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 13 (117). — С. 657-659. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/117/31696/ (дата обращения: 21.05.2024).

В статье рассматриваются сходства казахских и английских имен. Сходства имен выявлены по фонетическим, семантическим признакам.

Ключевые слова: антропонимы, уникалии, фреквенталии, лексическое значение, фонетика

The aim of the research

to research similarities of the Kazakh and English names

to identify common cultural values of English and Kazakh


Kazakh and English names


Structure and semantics of Kazakh and English names


We used a method of component analysis as an effective means of studying the lexical meaning, as well as methods of continuous sampling and field work (in the collection of factual material), the reception of quantitative calculations, which allowed us to determine the percentage of matched language units for various reasons, and in some cases used etymological analysis.

We used an interview method. We interviewed a number of teachers who came from England, Canada and the USA, working in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school.

Stages in the collection of the material

The material was collected in several stages:

Stage I — continuous sampling personal names from various sources (anthroponomical dictionaries, literary texts and materials available on the Internet, etc.);

Stage II — analysis of the results of questioning and interviewing;

Stage III — minimizing body personal names through repeated differentiation, frequency of use nicknames, abbreviations, diminutive, endearing name forms.

Relevance of Research

The relevance of the research is in the structural and semantic description of informal personal names and in the clarification of anthroponomical functioning in various linguistic-cultural communities.

The scientific novelty of the work

The scientific novelty: this research work gave a complete description of the structural and semantic, motivational identity of personal names in different structural languages; ​​identified patterns of naming personal names of people with similar meanings in different cultures and matched their tendencies; conducted a comprehensive study of the interaction of national cultures at anthroponomical units.

The theoretical significance

The theoretical significance of the project is to explore the cultural identity of personal names in the Kazakh and English anthroponomical systems, comparative study of personal names by which it is possible to identify their universal and culture-specific properties, and that the work contributes to the modern Kazakh and English onomastics in contrastive and typological study of Kazakh and English languages.

The practical significance

The practical significance of the project is application to the learning of the Kazakh and English languages.

Research Hypothesis

Despite the different structure of languages Kazakh and English)and the differences in the mentality of people, members of these ethnic groups, the naming system has a similar history and trends, as well as two completely different people have names with the same value, it indicates the similarity of people's values (religion, happiness, joy, love, peace, valor etc)

Kazakh and English names’ similarities: similarities

Phonetic similarities

During the research we have found some interesting facts about phonetic similarities between Kazakh and English names. We thought, that these similarities are the result of historical loanword. The names like Maria, Aidan, Lily, Adam, Eric, Sara, Diana, Aaliyah, Altair, Arman, Alan in English have their identical form in Kazakh: Maeriya, Aidan, Liliya, Adam, Eric, Sara, Diana, Alia, Altair, Arman, Alan.

Semantic similarities

We have already mentioned, that in Kazakh and English a name has some semantic meaning. One of our aims was to find semantic identical names in Kazakh and English. We have studied different kind of dictionaries of names and have found many examples of identical names. There are:

English Name

Kazakh Name












Bad, Baddy

Dos, Doszhan




Blize, Bliss

Baqyt, Quanysh

Joy, Happiness



Brave Friend



















Dear friend





Jonathan, Taddeus

Allaberdy, Kudaybergen

Given from God







Leonard, Leo



Nicolas, Nikky







Temir, Timur







Joy, happiness



Common values of English and Kazakh

The analyses of similarities of Kazakh and English meanings of names shows, that people have the same ideas, interests, hope, thoughts, trust, values such as religion, bravery, good heart, praise of beauty, courage and etc.

We have studied 2466 English female names, 1737 English male names and 841 Kazakh male names 483 Kazakh female names. The difference between numbers of English and Kazakh names happens due to the fact that in English reduced names can be spelt as official ones.

We divided all names into 9 groups: religion, love, animals, courage, family, nature, weapons, myth and magic personage, emotion (happy, joy, fun etc.). This table shows division the names on these signs:


English female names

English male names

Kazakh female names

Kazakh male names


30 %

40 %

28,5 %

30 %


15 %

0,6 %

11 %

0,5 %


0,5 %

2,7 %

20 %

18 %


10 %

20 %

15 %

16 %


10 %

10 %

5,5 %

13 %


10 %

10 %

9,5 %

13 %


15 %

16 %

0,7 %

3 %

Myth, magic personage

0,5 %

5.35 %

3,3 %

1,5 %

Emotion (joy, happiness)

0,5 %

5,35 %

6 %

5 %

4. Conclusion

  1. Religion had great influence on the anthroponomical system of the two languages.
  2. Social-political and historical-cultural processes taking place in the social life of the people played an important role in the development and formation of the Kazakh and English anthroponomy.
  3. Kazakh names as well as the English Puritan names can contain the meaning of the sentence: Barzhaқsy (all good), Zholzhaқsy (the road is good), Allaberdі (gave him), Kүntuar (sun rises), etc.
  4. Modern British and Americans, as well as the Kazakhs have returned to the traditional naming from time to time enriching its borrowings from other languages ​​and invented new names.


  1. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь личных имен.
  2. Wikipedia: English given names. Behind The Name: English Names.
  3. Iseabail Mcleod Wordsworth Dictionary of First Names / Terry Freedman.
  4. A World of Baby Names. Teresa Norman.
  5. Curiosities of Puritan nomenclature. Charles Bardsley — 1897.
  6. The romance of names. Ernest Weekley 1914.
  7. History of Christian names. Charlotte Mary Yonge 1863.
  8. Surnames of the United Kingdom: A Concise Etymological Dictionary.
  9. The royal dictionary, French and English, and English and French (Abbreviation of English Christian Names used in Familiar Discourse). Abel Boyer -1729/ Henry Harrison. Kazakh name: T. Zhanuzak Esіmder syry, 2004.
  10. Names of people of Kazakhstan: A Reference Manual, 1991.
  11. M. K. Rakhmetova. Kazakh names, 2007.
  12. T.and K. Zhanuzak/ Esbaeva Kazak esіmderі, 1998.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III, USA.

Ключевые слова

фонетика, лексическое значение, антропонимы, уникалии, фреквенталии

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