Modern tendency of teaching grammar through interactive methods | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Мадаминова, Д. А. Modern tendency of teaching grammar through interactive methods / Д. А. Мадаминова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 9.5 (113.5). — С. 67-68. — URL: (дата обращения: 03.06.2024).

Abstract: The most important way to teach grammar creatively is that grammar doesn’t have to be dry and boring. If you teach it in context and incorporate grammar into stories, games, and other fun activities, our students will pick up on grammar usage and structure relatively painlessly and they will probably even have a lot of fun doing it.

Аннотация: Наиболее важный способ научить грамматике творчески в том, что грамматика не должна быть сухой и скучной. Если вы научите её в контексте и включаете грамматику в истории, игры и другие развлекательные мероприятия, студенты начнут использовать грамматику и структуры относительно без усилий и они, вероятно, даже очень весело.

Keywords:interaction, psychological factors,communicative competence, well-rounded understanding, educational duty, responsibility, complexity, conscious analysis.

Ключевые слова: взаимодействие,физиологические факторы, коммуникационная компетенция, полное понятия, образовательная обязанность, ответственность,сложность, сознательный анализ.

The Communicative Language Teaching method has various characteristic as understanding occurs through active student interaction in the foreign language. The educational interactive process is characterized by total transparency and utmost flexibility because it allows the teacher to “dialogue” with the student and the student to “argue” with the teacher in democratic, free and sincere manner through scientific techniques of which experience has proved the great ability to transmit a clear image of the learner’s capabilities in the field of knowledge acquisition and his psychological impressions of the process [1]. The teacher of the future should be interactive and effective. These two virtues undoubtedly increase the responsibilities of the future teacher, because the traditional teacher relied on the quantitative aspect of knowledge, on the educational authority in all its forms and manifestations, on despotism, punishment, and on the complexes of fear and weakness, in addition to memorization, performing his educational duty without giving the slightest attention to the psychological repercussions of this process and to the educational acquisition and improvement of output. What are therefore the characteristics of the teacher of the future at both the interactive and efficient levels?

The interactive teacher:

  1. Open-mindedness;
  2. Dialogue;
  3. Continuous communication;
  4. Cognizance of the learner’s psychological factors;
  5. Adopting feedback;
  6. Adopting continuous assessment;
  7. Stimulating the learner;
  8. Creating an educational environment consistent with the learner’s perceptions.

Teachers work with materials which pupils can apply in their real lives and that is why they are close to them. This form of learning supports pupils´ independence, cooperation, creativity and helps pupils to express their own opinions and ideas. It creates a sense of responsibility for collective task. Modern technologies used in interactive teaching help teachers to mediate the relations between subjects more illustratively. It helps to improve cross-curricula links.

Various types of interactive teaching help pupils to remember and understand new things. From teaching experience we have noticed how enthusiastic students are about practicing language by means of games. The grammar games are not only fun but they help students learn without a conscious analysis or understanding of the learning process while they acquire communicative competence as second language users. Using games to teach grammar not only engages students but also helps them to remember what they’ve learned. This method allows teachers to tailor their lessons to the different learning styles of students. For instance, each student can be given a large flashcard with a word on it, and the students must physically arrange themselves into a proper sentence. Other games can include word puzzles or fun online quizzes. Over the years, many methods have been developed for teaching grammar and have been built upon, abandoned, or combined, all with the same goal in mind teaching students how to communicate effectively and understand how to use the English language. Because of the grammatical complexity of English, each method has its pros and cons. Some lessons are less likely to be remembered, while others may require more in-depth explanation and practice [2]. Regardless of how grammar is taught, a well-rounded understanding of English grammar is the most important factor in improving the literacy of students. Word puzzles are a useful and interactive method whereby students can learn all sorts of important parts of

English grammar. They can be used to encourage students to identify and understand various parts of a sentence; grammatical concepts like synonyms, tenses and conjugations; or incorrectly used grammar. Word puzzles such as crosswords are easily modified to suit all age and skill levels and introduce an element of fun competition into the learning process, so they can be invaluable in forging a full and lasting understanding of English grammar. Another game-based method of teaching grammar that you could use in teaching your students is Bingo. The game of Bingo is based on people marking off spaces on their card until they fill in a row or column fully. In normal Bingo these are numbers, drawn at random from a pool. In grammar lesson Bingo, they could be pronouns, verbs, nouns, sentence structure, antonyms, and so on — students could use the daily newspaper and attempt to find correct examples of these grammatical concepts faster than each other, thereby “winning” the game — and learning in the process! Short and fun grammar exercises like this can be included on a regular basis during your lessons to keep correct grammar usage fresh your students’ minds and improve their recall of the topics at hand. Advanced English Grammar is an online lesson plan featuring quizzes and lectures to help you teach your students all the elements of good grammar [3]. Games and activities are interactive and the perfect time to revisit and emphasize grammar points with very little effort on your part and a lot of fun for the students. For example, mad libs are a perfect way to revisit the difference between nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives, without feeling like a dry review.


  2. Ellis, R. “The place of grammar instruction in the second/foreign language curriculum”.2002 p 19–31.
  4. Carter, R.& Hughes, R “Exploring Grammar in Context”. Cambridge: Cup.2000.
  5. Savignon, Sandra J. & Berns, Margie S. (1984). “Initiatives in communicative language teaching”. Reading, Massachusetts. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.1984, p5.

Ключевые слова

взаимодействие, ответственность, коммуникационная компетенция, сложность, физиологические факторы, полное понятия, образовательная обязанность, сознательный анализ
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