Статьи по ключевому слову "English" — Молодой учёный

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Gaming technology in English lessons

Graphical Abbreviation and Acronyms in English

English and Turkmen pronunciation: common errors and their causes

Peculiarities of functioning of abbreviations in modern English based on the material of the British press

Creative methods and techniques in English lessons

Speech error classifications in the context of teaching EFL

Impact of games on speaking proficiency in the classroom

Massive open online courses on environmental issues for teaching English to university students

Effectiveness of using the testing method in teaching English

Empowering English distance education through cutting-edge ai technology

Teaching English vocabulary to visually-impaired young learners in schooling system

Peculiarities of Reading Skills in Upper Grades

Influence of the French language on the English vocabulary

Thinking type and age as factors influencing the learning of English by adults and children

The Dynamic Evaluation Research on College English Writing Teaching

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