The effectiveness of mnemonics as a teaching aid for beginner learners’ | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (507) февраль 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 25.02.2024

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Багытжанова, Ш. С. The effectiveness of mnemonics as a teaching aid for beginner learners’ / Ш. С. Багытжанова, А. А. Турсынбек. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 8 (507). — С. 71-74. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

Mnemonics is generally thought to be a system of various strategies and tactics that can help memorize a lot of information by creating connections and mental pictures. Mnemonics is a collection of strategies that improve memory function and facilitate the memorization of information. Metaphorical note-taking, which gives visual, auditory or tactile representations of abstract concepts in memory, is the basis of mnemonic memorization. Mnemonics are a set of rules and methods that guarantee the retention of important information and increase memory capacity by creating associative links. Mnemonics can be practically applied through mnemonic techniques. The objective of the study was to analyze usefulness of using observations to consider and improve English language teaching practices. Therefore some scientific researches regarding to observation was analyzed and discussed. In addition the recent research study concluded as the use of mnemonic devices in the classroom helps students to quickly grasp the nuances of the target language and guarantees a methodical, deliberate acquisition of new knowledge. Memorization and retention of the learner's attention are guaranteed if the training materials are transformed into visual aids or compared with previously learnt content using the principle of association. This is why mnemonic techniques are useful at all stages of foreign language learning. The teacher's task is to accelerate the development of correct memorization skills and increase their effectiveness.

Keywords: Mnemonics, beginner learners, memorization, vocabulary, issues in teaching, EFL learners

In today's classrooms it is very important to use strategies that encourage students' cognitive activity, productive and creative assimilation of knowledge and skills, active dialogue, problem-solving analysis, building positive emotional backgrounds, cognitive and work games, and independent work. Practice shows a reduction in the usual pre-labor that supports individual, group and collaborative learning styles. One of the most important approaches is the use of discussion as a teaching tool, either in class or alone. Classroom discussions have been shown to enhance students' intellectual development and effectiveness. EFL learners learn more and improve their cognitive skills when they interact with classmates and adults. Social interaction in the classroom plays an important role in learning.

The process of language teaching is complex and requires the teacher to act as an observer. Because, educators need to be aware of each learner's strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, utilizing relevant teaching observations to evaluate and improve English teaching methods.

Observation is one of the most important methods in scientific educational research. In other social sciences (psychology, sociology) it is currently receiving increasing attention. Observation is a very important tool when teaching another foreign language. It is its deliberate, rigorous and systematic knowledge of educational phenomena that makes observation a scientific methodology that provides the researcher with concrete, factual data. Collecting data about the process under study is the main purpose of observation, which also gives the researcher the chance to talk to and receive input from the object of observation [1].

The aim of observation is to find important relationships and connections in the observed world. The results of observation depend on the researcher's ability to see the subject from all angles and to identify both the more subtle aspects of the observed behavior and the more obvious signs of activity. Observation is one of the methods used to determine students' motivation for their studies. Since students spend most of their time at school, it will not be necessary for the teacher to use this method in certain situations. The instructor has the opportunity to see student behavior and attitudes in a variety of settings, including classes, breaks and extracurricular activities [2].

The purpose of observation is to appreciate children's creativity, their theories, their exploration of feelings and perspectives. This also requires paying attention to what people have to say, adopting and taking seriously the interpretations they offer. By actively observing children and listening with knowledge, we can learn from them and develop our awareness and understanding.

Observation: It provides in-depth, multifaceted coverage of events and a narrative account of all interactions between teachers and students. The main advantage of the observation method is that it allows real-time monitoring of the processes and events under study. It makes it possible to see how individuals behave here and now under certain conditions. Thanks to a well-planned observation technique, every important moment of the event is captured on camera. This forms the framework for an impartial investigation [3]. Pedagogical observation is the study of education in its natural environment. Pedagogical supervision is the methodical examination and evaluation of the educational or teaching process without interfering with its natural progression. Educational observation means the deliberate observation of an educational event by the researcher with the aim of collecting precise factual data. The objective of the pedagogical observation is to investigate many aspects of the teaching or training process, including:

– the nature and scope of training loads;

– technical and tactical actions;

– educational and training tasks;

– physical education tools and their place in the classroom;

– teaching and training methods;

– learners and their tutor’s behavior;

– content of the educational process;

– educational and training tasks.

One definition of observation technique is a means of monitoring and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of subjects. As the name suggests, it is a method of obtaining relevant facts and information through observation. Observation is also known as participant work, as researchers need to connect with the interventionist and become fully immersed in their surroundings. Notes and records taken before this time cannot be made using the observation method.

Although various observation techniques such as checklists, rating scales, charts and narrative descriptions have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of foreign language teaching, systematic classroom observation based on interactive coding systems has been the most widely used procedure or research technique.

According to Richards and Lockhart, much of what is actually going on in the classroom is unknown to the instructor because there are so many different activities going on at any one time [4]. As a result, observation has more value.

In today's world, speaking and understanding a foreign language is a necessity. For successful foreign language acquisition, it is crucial to understand both the grammatical and lexical components of the language being studied. Increasing English vocabulary is a challenge that many students face when learning the language. There are various techniques for memorizing foreign words.

Each student has a unique method of memorizing new English words. This is because each individual's memory has a unique way of working. The brain's ability to remember things is a function of the mechanisms of memorizing, storing and forgetting information. Human awareness encompasses previous experience and knowledge in addition to the present because of memory. New information acquired through memorization, through the senses or as a result of other cognitive processes (perceiving, imagining, thinking, speaking) is transferred to the memory bank.

Research objective

The objective of the study was to analyze usefulness of using observations to consider and improve English language teaching practices. Therefore following scientific researches regarding to observation was analyzed and discussed.

Methods and materials





Akpan J., Notar C. E., Beard L.


The impact of mnemonics as instructional tool


Shcherbakova O


The Efficiency of using mnemonic techniques in teaching a foreign language


Hill A. C


The Effectiveness of Mnemonic Devices for ESL Vocabulary Retention




Practical Implications of Mnemonic Keyword Method in L2 Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis


Qizi S. R. Q



Results and Discussion

As stated Akpan J., Notar C. E., Beard L Mnemonic devices are frequently used in the teaching and learning process. Mnemonics are useful resources when trying to improve memory or finding ways to recall information. The most effective mnemonics are those that involve the learner's numerous senses, minimize information, use association, repeat newly learned material and create a distraction-free atmosphere. Switch off the TV, telephone and other devices.

Learn facts and dates, memories lists of famous people in philosophy, science, medicine, art, sport and other fields, or use mnemonic devices for various other purposes. The correct use of mnemonics should facilitate the learning process, not complicate it [5].

According to Shcherbakova the use of mnemonic devices in the classroom helps students to quickly grasp the nuances of the target language and guarantees a methodical, deliberate acquisition of new knowledge. Memorization and retention of the learner's attention are guaranteed if the training materials are transformed into visual aids or compared with previously learnt content using the principle of association. This is why mnemonic techniques are useful at all stages of foreign language learning. The teacher's task is to accelerate the development of correct memorization skills and increase their effectiveness [6].

When it comes to word memorization, mnemonics fall into two main categories: surface encoding and deep encoding. The semantics of a word is the main focus of deep encoding mnemonics, which are readily available in regular classroom settings and often take place without special instruction. These include memorizing the morphology and etymology of the word, using it frequently, associating it with ideas or sentences, associating it with synonyms or antonyms. Approaches such as homophonic, pronunciation and familiar word (keyword) approaches are examples of shallow encoding mnemonics; they focus on the spelling or phonological aspects of a word. These mnemonics are very personal and require the use of creative thinking, so teachers may find them difficult to convey in the classroom [7]. In order to improve second language (L2) teaching practices, this study investigates the effective integration of mnemonic strategies into vocabulary learning and teaching approaches. By examining various training methods such as the well-known Mnemonic Key Vocabulary Method (MKM), this study adds valuable perspectives to second language vocabulary teaching by linking theory and practice. Through a meta-analysis of a few selected articles focusing on topics such as form-meaning combination, the interplay between iconicity and arbitrariness, evidence-based approaches and individual differences, the study reveals the potential of MKM in second language teaching. The aim of this research is to enhance the learning experience of language learners by transforming the discourse surrounding second language vocabulary teaching and emphasizing the need for further empirical research and useful guidance. This will enable educators to effectively integrate mnemonic techniques and transform language education [8].

This study focuses on the most challenging and fundamental strategy for students: improving memory. The aim of this study is to determine how the retention of memorized information can be increased, following the elimination of all obstacles that prevent students from forgetting information. The working document on competence proposes a set of approaches and strategies established by leading educators and methodologists. In the learning centre where the researcher worked, mnemonics were found to be an effective way of helping intermediate learners to have more vocabulary. The individuals were 14–16 years old and their mother tongue was Uzbek. There is roughly the same number of students in each group: 13 students in the control group and 13 in the other group. In addition, the study report summarizes the roles that educators and learners play in collaborative language learning, potential barriers to the use of the strategies, and solutions to problems that arise. Based on the collected experience and knowledge, this study proposes methods and sample exercises to improve memory recall. Furthermore, the requirements of learners trained in collaborative learning are shown in the qualification form. The structure of this study therefore includes an introduction, a literature review, procedures summarizing the aims of the experiments, and comments setting out the results of the experiments. When reading a study, keep in mind that researchers condense the relatively broad topic of improving foreign word recall with mnemonics to make it easier for readers to understand [9].


Each student has the chance to understand the level of knowledge of EFL learners as well as the chance for self-correction while the teacher is watching. One of the important aspects of education is students' knowledge, skills and abilities. The effectiveness of process management instructions often depends on how well they are organized. This is important so that the instructor can understand how well the learners apply the approach, how well they grasp the language and how they develop their language learning skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening.

The best strategy for supporting continuous professional development and improving teaching methods is possible through teacher observation. Seeing a teacher in action and noting how they teach is known as teaching observation. Teaching observations are conducted in order to provide feedback to instructors on how they are doing, to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and to motivate them to do better.


  1. O'Leary M. Classroom observation: A guide to the effective observation of teaching and learning. — Routledge, 2020.
  2. Johnson E. S. et al. Developing an explicit instruction special education teacher observation rubric //The Journal of Special Education. — 2019. — Т. 53. — №. 1. — С. 28–40.
  3. Cirocki A., Widodo H. P. Reflective practice in English language teaching in Indonesia: Shared practices from two teacher educators //Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. — 2019. — Т. 7. — №. 3 (Special Issue). — С. 15–35.
  4. Richards J. C., Lockhart C. Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. — Cambridge university press, 1994.
  5. Akpan J., Notar C. E., Beard L. The impact of mnemonics as instructional tool //Journal of Education and Human Development. — 2021. — Т. 10. — №. 3. — С. 20–28. URL:
  6. Shcherbakova O. et al. The Efficiency of using mnemonic techniques in teaching a foreign language //Proceedings of SOCIOINT. — 2019. — С. 24–26.
  7. Hill A. C. The Effectiveness of Mnemonic Devices for ESL Vocabulary Retention //English Language Teaching. — 2022. — Т. 15. — №. 4. — С. 6–15.
  8. Aydoğdu S. E. G., Zengin B. Practical Implications of Mnemonic Keyword Method in L2 Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis //New frontiers in educational sciences. — 2023. — С. 75–95.
  9. Qizi S. R. Q. Mnemonics and its usage in teaching and learning English language //International Journal Of Literature And Languages. — 2023. — Т. 3. — №. 06. — С. 17–30.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EFL, AND, ESL, MKM, ENGLISH, ITS, LANGUAGE, LEARNING, MNEMONICS, SOCIOINT.

Ключевые слова

vocabulary, EFL learners, memorization, Mnemonics, beginner learners, issues in teaching

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