Digitization and cybersecurity | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №39 (486) сентябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 27.09.2023

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хаджиева, О. К. Digitization and cybersecurity / О. К. Хаджиева, Мамажан Назарова, Азимбек Джанбаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 39 (486). — С. 13-15. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/486/106228/ (дата обращения: 15.06.2024).

Keywords: digitalization, cybersecurity, network security.

Turkmenistan is implementing the Concept until 2025, approved by our national leader. This document is a unique «road map» of technological reform of industries and state management, development of the economy based on resources and production capacity of the country. It includes several sections, which describe the goals and tasks of the Concept, directions and methods of its implementation, and expected results. Digitization is a qualitatively new era for our national economy, and it was possible to enter it on the basis of a precise, deeply thought-out and scientifically based strategy of the Turkmen leader in terms of social and economic development. It not only ensured a stable positive pace of development, but also ensured adaptation to changes in relevant conditions and reduction of risks caused by external conditions.

Digitization is now a must for every industry and is an indispensable condition for overall growth. Technical and technological modernization is an important direction of reforms, especially in the agro-industrial sector of the country.

As we know, the digital system facilitates many tasks, speeds up the processes and saves time. However, compliance with data and cyber security is one of the main requirements when using it.

Cybersecurity (sometimes called computer security) is a collection of methods and practices for protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. Cybersecurity should be geared towards providing protection in cyberspace. Therefore, a key concept for the analysis of cyber security is the concept of cyberspace.

Cyberspace is a complex environment that does not exist in any physical form, resulting from the interaction of people, software, and Internet services through technological devices and network connections.

Cybersecurity refers to the totality of conditions for ensuring the high level of protection of all parts of the cyberspace from threats and impacts that may lead to negative consequences, i.e. protection of systems, technologies, computers, devices, and citizens from potential threats and impacts. In general, information security refers to the protection of data, while cyber security refers to the protection of the digital system on which that data resides. That's why they are compatible with each other.

– Network security — Actions taken to protect computer networks from various threats, such as targeted attacks or malware.

App security — Protect devices from threats criminals can hide in apps. Once infected, the program can access data that an attacker should be able to protect. The security of the software is also ensured during development, before it appears in open sources.

– Data security — ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data in storage and transit.

– Operational security — managing and protecting information assets. This category includes, for example, network access permissions or rules that determine where and how data can be stored.

– Raise awareness — educate users. This approach helps reduce the most unpredictable factor in the cyber security industry — the human impact. Even the most secure system can be attacked due to someone's mistake or ignorance. Therefore, every organization should conduct training for employees and tell them about the basic rules: for example, there is no need to open suspicious e-mail attachments or plug in suspicious USB devices.

Let's talk about another important aspect of cyber security — protecting end users and their devices (those who use the software or system). It is often the end user who downloads the malware onto their PC, laptop or smartphone.

How do cybersecurity tools (security software) help protect end users and devices?

Security tools use cryptographic protocols to encrypt email, files, and other sensitive data. This mechanism prevents cybercriminals from stealing, intercepting, or accessing data.

End-user protection solutions scan devices for malicious code, quarantine malware, and then remove it from the system. These programs can find and remove malicious code hidden in the Master Boot Record (MBR) and can encrypt or completely destroy data on your hard drive. Security tools detect malware in real-time, and many use analytics and behavioral analysis — monitoring the behavior and code of malicious software. It helps fight against polymorphic and metamorphic malware — viruses and Trojans that can change their structure. Security tools are capable of isolating potentially malicious software in a special virtual environment (away from the user's network) to analyze its behavior and learn to better identify new sources of threats. Cybersecurity professionals search for and analyze new threats, and then develop ways to combat them. It is important to train employees on how to properly use security software. Security devices must always be open and always up-to-date for them to function effectively.

How to protect against attacks:

Helpful Cyber Security Tips

Here are some tips on how to protect your company and its employees from cyber threats.

  1. Update your software and operating system. You'll get the latest security fixes with the latest software.
  2. Use anti-virus software. Security solutions like Kaspersky Total Security can help detect and eliminate threats. Update your software regularly for maximum security.
  3. Use strong passwords. Don't use combinations that are easy to pick or guess.
  4. Don't open email attachments from unknown senders — they can be infected with malware.
  5. Do not follow links received in mail from unknown senders or unknown websites — this is a common method of spreading malware.
  6. Avoid unsecured Wi-Fi networks in public areas — you may be exposed to Man-in-the-Middle attacks.


  1. The Constitution of Turkmenistan — Ashgabat: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2023
  2. The Law of Turkmenistan «On Administrative Procedures» //Bulletin of Mejlis of Turkmenistan — 2017
  3. Scientific commentary to the Law of Turkmenistan «On Administrative Procedures» — Ashgabat: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2020
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MBR, USB.

Ключевые слова

Network Security, cybersecurity, digitalization

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