Developing writing skills by practicing in student`s self-studying | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (116) июнь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 20.06.2016

Статья просмотрена: 152 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Каримова, Ж. Ш. Developing writing skills by practicing in student`s self-studying / Ж. Ш. Каримова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12 (116). — С. 878-880. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

The aim of this article is developing writing skills by practicing in student’s self-studying. In addition, it was given some rules and methods how to develop learners` writing skills independently, as well as some problems of writing made by learners during the writing.

The purpose of my article addresses one of the key criticisms leveled at self-study language courses. There are many reasons why students might need or want to improve their writing skills in English. Perhaps students need to reply to emails at work in English or take an English language exam, for example, TOEFL or IELTS. Whatever the reason is that learners need to improve their English writing skills, students will need to work hard. Having good writing skills in English is not something, which is easy to achieve. English writing is thought to be an essential skill for success in the modern global economy.

Therefore, it is recommended that English writing becomes a necessity for any global businessperson who wishes to advance his or her career in the global Marketplace. English writing can be taught at a pace consistent with our current writing ability. One method of learning English writing is to study subjects that students enjoy learning about and writing in the style of their favourite authors of those subjects. The most important way to improve the student’s writing skills in English is starting by thinking of a theme, for example, students could start writing a diary of something that happens to them every day, they could write emails to their friends in English.

This might be difficult at first but the more learners continue, the easier it will become and students might even end up enjoying it. If a student studies at English language university or institute, he(she) could ask his (her) teacher to check his(her) writing for him(her). Students might even be able to do a writing language exchange — find an English person who is learning their language and write letters or emails to each other. Having a wide range of vocabulary is very important when students are writing in English. If students read books, newspapers or magazines in English, learners will learn many new words and common English idioms. Students should remember to ask someone to check their writing to make sure, students have used the vocabulary correctly. After students have written something in English, students should always read it again, either straight away or the next day. When students do this, students will probably see a few mistakes that students did not notice when students were writing it. If learners write about the same thing every day, they could become very bored and they might end up using the same words and phrases over and over again! It is a good idea to find different topics to write about as this will help to widen students` vocabulary and will be much more interesting for them. Writing about something they read in a newspaper or watched on TV is a good starting point. If learners have courses at English language educational places, their teacher probably gives them writing homework to do. It is important that students do all their homework as their teacher knows their level of English and will be able to give them good advice on which parts of writing students need to improve most, for example vocabulary, spelling, grammar. This is extremely important if they are planning to take an English language exam. It is easy to decide not to do any English writing, as they are worried that they will make many mistakes. However, the more students write and get their writing corrected, the fewer mistakes they will make.

It would be better to learn the rules, for instance: writing is largely a craft that can be self-taught. In addition is that, read voraciously: fiction, books on writing, blogs, workshops, and anything else we can find. Students should never stop learning. Because students have a solid understanding of the principles of fiction, students should try to do not be afraid to step beyond their confines. They should think outside the box. So fiction is based on a set of basic tenets because they have been proven to work, but art is an evolution. If it stagnates, it dies. Students should create their own inspiration. Pinpoint what inspires them and surround themselves with stimuli. Discipline, creativity, and persistence are a cure-all for writer’s block.

Do not allow writer’s block to become an excuse for giving up. Do not slack on the hard stuff. Not all of writing is fun and games, but if they want to create a polished story, they have to submit to the hard stuff, as well as the fun stuff. Do not cut corners on research, outlining, or editing. The extra work always pays off in the end. Develop a thick skin. Criticism of learners` work can seem like a personal attack. However, criticism—especially when coming from critique partners, agents, and editors—is a vital part of the process [4]. Accept constructive criticism, learn from it, and use it to make learners` story better. Students should read regularly in order to improve their writing. People often say that they learn to write best by reading. It is a great way to get an idea of the different styles of writing and see how to use words appropriately. Grammar is very important because it improves the quality of students’ writing. Students should always use the appropriate tense and remember to use punctuation.

Students should remember, that practice makes perfect, so now it is the best time to sit down and get started with learning. Learning can develop writing skill. If students are a blogger then they should write well and attractive for their visitors. Blogger’s readers are their best critics. They can tell them better about what they are delivering to them. There are many things learners should do to impress their visitors. The most important thing they need to care of is grammatical mistakes. They should try to tell things in clear and comprehensive way. If learners want to write a good article or story, they should not repeat one word second time. It can diminish the attractiveness of their article. They should try to use different words. If it is necessary to repeat any word, then try to find out its synonym and use it in learners` article. Writing essays using appropriate language is an essential skill for academic study. Improving learners` English writing skills will help them to succeed. Independent level learners can practice using linking words and phrases to create longer sentences and connect their ideas. Proficient level learners can practice using referencing words and discourse markers to structure their writing and develop their written fluency.

They should not translate from a first draft. It is best not to use a dictionary too much in the early stages of writing. Using words in learners1 first language is fine if it helps them get a draft written more quickly. Students should not expect to write everything correctly the first time, but write and re-write as much as necessary.

Especially students should be carefully with spelling. Students must know how to spell those words correctly. Incorrect spelling changes the meaning of our sentence. For example: ‘bare’ and ‘bear’ sound the same but ‘bare’ means naked and ‘bear’ is a large animal. Additionally, incorrect spelling makes it difficult for the reader to understand what we have written. One of the big mistakes of writers they are change tense in between sentence.

Many writers make this mistake by changing tense in between the post. They write in simple present tense and immediately switch to past tense or future tense. It is sometimes grammatically correct but it is sufficient to confuse readers. Avoid changing tense and give clear picture by writing in simple language.

In conclusion, every learner want to improve his or her writing skills, according to all this analysis and searches the main ways to improve their writing skills students should not afraid of making mistakes and enjoying what they write. It is a great way to develop their skills faster and naturally, the more learner enjoy it the more learner will do it. Writing skill is the most important side of job. Especially for teacher, because they should teach their pupils with clear calligraphy. As a result they can achieve their pupils` faith.


  1. “Improving writing skills” Bloomsbury international University
  2. Bush. D (1982) Introversion-extroversion and ESL proficiency students. Language learning, 32, 109–132
  3. Cazden, C, B, John, V, and Hymes, D. (1972) Functions of languagein the classroom. New York: Teachers College Press.
  4. Chaudron, C. (1988) Second Language Classroom: Research on teaching and learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESL, IELTS, TOEFL.

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